5 Ways to Use the Wi-Fi Functions on the Canon EOS C100 Mark II
This article looks at several ways you can use the Wi-Fi features on the Canon EOS C100 in-studio and on-location to improve your video workflow. Most or all of the ideas discussed here can be applied to any Wi-Fi-ready camera and production workflow.
These days, it seems like everywhere we go we can easily connect to Wi-Fi. Wireless capabilities have become integral in connecting us and our devices to the Internet for business and social experiences. As video professionals, we have all come across, or at least heard of cameras that are starting to have Wi-Fi built in.
Camera manufacturers have been working diligently on adding Wi-Fi technology to our cameras and making it a part of the overall video workflow. While the results may vary, I was very impressed with Canon’s EOS C100 Mark II camera and its Wi-Fi functions.
I found several on-location and studio situations where the Wi-Fi functions on this camera could be useful in our video work. While this article will focus on using the Canon EOS C100 Mark II, you can easily apply some of these concepts to other cameras that feature similar technology. Here are five ideas on how you can start using these Wi-Fi functions on your next shoot.
I recommend having your camera manual handy during the setup of these features. You can also try contacting Canon (1-855-246-3367 or their forum) to help you troubleshoot any of these setups.
Using Browser Remote
Just it like sounds, this feature allows you to control your camera settings via a separate Wi-Fi-enabled device such as a computer or tablet. This function works through the camera’s peer-to-peer feature, which allows the camcorder to serve as a wireless access point. This is very similar to the way GoPro’s Wi-Fi technology works, where you can access the camera settings via the GoPro app. Canon refers to this setup as a “Camera Access Point.”
This was one of the easier Wi-Fi features to configure with this camcorder. It can be accessed in the camera menu under Other Functions > Network Settings > Connection Settings > Set Up New. Once this setup is complete, you have to turn on the Browser Remote option. From there, you will see two new text objects displayed on your camera LCD called “AP” and “Remote” (Figure 1, below). These should be highlighted in white if everything is setup properly.

Figure 1. After you set up Browser Remote on your C100, you’ll see AP and Remote highlighted in white on your LCD. Click the image to see it at full size.
The next step in this process is to connect to the camcorder network via your Wi-Fi-enabled device. Back on the C100 Mark II, press the Status button on the side of the camera and scroll down until you see the Network Settings information. This was screen 12/17 on my camera. Here, you will see the IP Address of your camcorder. Enter that IP Address on the browser of your Wi-Fi-enabled device.
You will now see the Browser Remote menu where you can control the camcorder settings from your device. Under the Advanced Control tab, you can start and stop recording; adjust white balance, iris, shutter speed, gain, and ISO; and even control slot selection for your media (Figure 2, below).

Figure 2. Options in the Advance Control tab of the Browser Remote menu. Click the image to see it at full size.
Being able to control these settings remotely can come in handy in several situations. For example, let’s say you’re running solo on a shoot and have to interview someone, but had to step away from the camera for eyeline and composition purposes. In theory, you could have your Wi-Fi-enabled device with you, while still having control of your camera from a chair or a different position. This is also an ideal setup if you have to record yourself for an online video vlog or webcast, but do not have access to a videographer or crew. You could easily see your shot and control the camera from your set.
The only setting I thought was missing from Browser Remote was the option to focus. If you’re using a computer to run this app, you will have the larger display to judge your focus, which is always helpful.